Rock My Relational World #3: Inner Circle
Context: During His first year of public ministry Jesus called specific people to follow Him. Others came to Him through His teaching and healing ministry. Galilee was His base of operations, and Capernaum was His home.
Content: The time had come for Jesus to select a small group for more intensive preparation for ministry. They would move from the outer to the inner circle of Jesus’ relational world, and play a critical role in spreading the Gospel. What principles did Jesus follow in forming and shaping His inner circle?
Solitude | “…Jesus went out to a mountainside…”1 |
Time | “…spent the night…”2 |
Prayer | “...praying to God …”3 |
Focus | “He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve…”4 |
Designation | “…whom He also designated apostles…”5 |
Diversity | Fishermen, tax collector, Jewish nationalist, etc.6 |
Purpose | Community: “…that they might be with Him…”7 |
Ministry: “…that He might send them out…”8 | |
Training | Modeling: “Follow Me…”9 |
Practice: “…He sent them out two by two…”10 | |
Questioning: “Who do you say that I am?”11 | |
Leadership | Vision: “…I will make you fishers of men.”12 |
Direction: “We are going up to Jerusalem…”13 | |
Support:: “I am with you always…”14 | |
Protection | “Jesus… asked them, ‘Who is it you want?”15 |
Commission | Go: “…all nations…”16 |
Say: “…preach the Gospel…”17 | |
Do: “…make disciples…baptizing…teaching…”18 |
Conclusion: How do you know whom to move from your outer circle into your inner circle?
- Reflect on your decision in solitude
- Allocate extended time for your decision
- Continue prayer until God has spoken
- Consider the diversity of the candidates
- Extend a personal call to each person
“Lord, Your Word is so practical in providing guidance for ministry decisions. Please guide me as I consider individuals to be part of my inner circle. Amen.”
1 Luke 6:12 | 7 Luke 6:14 | 13 Matthew 20:18 |
2 Luke 6:12 | 8 Luke 6:14-15 | 14 Matthew 28:20 |
3 Luke 6:12 | 9 Matthew 4:19 | 15 John 18:4 |
4 Luke 6:13 | 10 Mark 6:7 | 16 Matthew 28:19 |
5 Luke 6:13 | 11 Mark 8:29 | 17 Mark 16:15 |
6 Luke 6:14-16 | 12 Matthew 4:19 | 18 Matthew 28:19-20 |
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