Rock My Relational World #1: Very Outer Circle
After that, He appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.” 1 Corinthians 15:6
1 Corinthians 15:3-7 is an important passage written only 25 years after the Resurrection. At that time 500 people were still alive who had witnessed Christ ascending into heaven. Many biblical scholars believe these 500 witnesses had gathered on a mountain in Galilee and heard Jesus issue the Great Commission.1 It’s the only resurrection appearance mentioned where so many people could have gathered in one place without interference from the authorities.
We know from this verse that there were over 500 believers when Jesus ascended into heaven. This group forms the very outer circle of Jesus’ relational world. Let’s look at the ways people entered it:
Jesus called them some people directly; He saw something in them.
- Jesus called Peter and Andrew, and James and John, while they were fishing.2
- Matthew sat by his tax collector booth when Jesus called him.3
Some people came to Jesus directly; they took the initiative to seek Him out.
- A leper expressed faith in Jesus, and he was healed.4
- Jairus begged Jesus to heal his daughter; and she was raised from the dead.5
Jesus drew some people indirectly; they came to Him secretly out of their need.
- In a large crowd a woman touched Jesus’ clothes and was healed, but He made her go “public.”6
- Joseph of Arimethea was a secret follower, but went “public” by asking Pilate for Jesus’ body.7
Some people came to Jesus indirectly; they came to Him through others.
- Phillip went to find Nathaniel and brought him to Jesus.8
- The woman at the well brought her entire town to Christ.9
You associate with many people throughout my day. Who should you bring into your very outer circle? Look for people who…
- Resonate with your spirit (you them and they like you)
- Seem drawn to you
- Are in need or in pain
- Are introduced to you by a close friend
“Lord, Thank You for making me a relational person. Give me discernment to know who You would want me to bring into my relational world. Amen.”
1 Matthew 28:16-20
2 Matthew 4:18-22
3 Matthew 9:9-13
4 Mark 3:40-45
5 Mark 5:35-42
6 Mark 5:24-34
7 John 19:38
8 John 1:43-51
9 John 4:39-42
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