Spiritual Gifts Categories: Behind the Scenes Gifts

It’s Sunday morning at a very large church. People fill the auditorium to worship God with music, drama, and the message. They watch those on stage utilizing their upfront spiritual gifts to serve the Body of Christ.
  • The vocalists lead the singing of worship choruses.
  • The band plays enthusiastically.
  • They watch a dramatic scene performed by gifted actors.
  • And they listen attentively to the message.


Meanwhile, hardly noticed by the worshipers, are those dressed in black who move about the stage silently. These behind the scenes workers exercise their spiritual gifts in complete anonymity – and prefer it that way. Some of their tasks are to:

  • Move scenery onto and off the stage.
  • Hand microphones and props to the people on stage.
  • Operate handheld cameras for closeup shots.
  • And place a lectern on stage before the sermon.

Behind the scenes workers are the backbone – the infrastructure – of the church. They use their gifts in private settings often without recognition or appreciation. Yet they perform vital church functions that are crucial, even vital. Let’s take a look at the four behind the scenes spiritual gifts.

The spiritual gift of administration literally means “guiding the helm.” It is the Holy Spirit working through believers to develop and implement plans. A ship needs a strong hand at the helm to pilot, guide and steer the vessel. Believers with this gift act as guides in a local church. They chart the course to a destination. They don’t decide on the target; rather, they determine the best way to get there.

Carol has the spiritual gift of administration. Administration is not typing memos, running off photocopies, or filing papers. Instead, as Carol defines the gift, it is “a passion, burden, and vision for an event or experience that must be planned, organized, and implemented.” They turn vision into reality by devising strategies, establishing timelines, securing necessary resources, and positioning the right people in the right places.

The spiritual gift of giving literally means “to share a thing with anyone.” It is the Holy Spirit working through believers to donate or supply resources to those in need. The gift not only includes money, it also involves time and talent. Believers with this gift give anonymously and joyfully.

Jay has the spiritual gift of giving. He is a Christian businessman whom God has blessed financially. His heart’s desire is “to bless people in ministry with resources to further His Kingdom.” He explains, “I have a tender heart and when I see people in need. I pray asking God to show me some tangible way I can help out.” For Jay it’s not only about the giving; it’s about drawing closer to God and being obedient to His whispers. He has found that as he gives to others, God gives him even more money to bless even more people.

The spiritual gift of helps means “to serve in practical ways.” It is when the Holy Spirit works through believers to perform necessary tasks that support ministry. People with this gift willingly set up chairs, prepare mailings, type the church newsletter, perform clerical tasks, and many other jobs. Moreover, they work joyfully knowing that what they do makes ministry happen. They do whatever needs to be done to free others up to use their gifts.

Mike has the spiritual gift of helps which he defines as “the recognition and execution of what needs to be done.” Mike goes on to explain, “It’s a serving experience where there is a direct benefit to the people served.” He emphasizes that, “The gift of helps is not only about completing a task. He says, “It’s a way of connecting people by building a small community of like-minded workers who share a common gift and passion.”

The spiritual gift of intercession is plural, and literally means “a seeking, asking, and entreating to God.” It’s when the Holy Spirit works through believers to pray on behalf of others. People with this gift are “prayer warriors.” They pray fervently and consistently because they love to pray. When God answers, they thank Him reverently and humbly. When prayers are unanswered, they continue to pray obediently until the answer comes.

Debbie has the spiritual gift of intercession. She defines the gift of intercession as, “A helping hand to connect someone to God in prayer.” Her first response in any situation is to pray; praying is like breathing to her. She says, “I delight in talking to God and bringing needs and joys – everything – to Him.”  Intercession is important because it brings glory to God by naming Him and trusting Him.  It’s a way of spreading God’s love by “carrying each others’ burdens.” For Debbie, praying for others is who God created her to be and part of the good works He planned for her to do.  As she says, “This is what I was made for.”

© 2013 Designed to Serve®

Dr. Steve Lake is a retired educator with over 30 years experience in the American public schools. He has served in a variety of position, including teacher, elementary school principal, junior high principal, Associate Superintendent, retired from public education as Superintendent of Schools in Lincolnwood, IL. He has his Bachelors, Masters and Doctor of Education degrees from Northern Illinois University. For the past 25 years Steve has attended and been a member of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington and Northfield, IL. At Willow Creek Steve has taught adult classes on spiritual gifts, life purpose, and spiritual disciplines. He has ministered overseas in Angola, Zambia, Honduras, Germany, and Russia. Steve is co-founder of Designed to Serve, a ministry that equips Christians to live out their unique God-given calling. Steve is married and has two adult children who are married.