Two Dangerous Questions: #2B
In school, when your teacher told you to open your book, you did it without question. The teacher was in charge and expected you to obey.
At work, if the boss tells you to have a report done by a certain date, you work hard to complete it on time. Its important to comply because the boss is the boss.
When you receive a jury summons, you show up on the date and time listed. The duty of ever U.S. citizen is to serve on a jury if called.
So what should you do when God summons you and gives you an assignment? You listen and obey. Not only is He the preeminent authority figure and the Lord of your life, He loves you beyond measure and knows whats best for you.
Among the most dangerous questions you can ask God is, What do you want me to do today? Its dangerous because you dont know what He will direct you to do, and you dont know what awaits you when you obey. But following through on Gods command leads to the Great Adventure of the Christian life. There has never been a time in my walk with Christ that, when He has told me to do something, that God has failed to bring blessing to both me and others.
When God answers this dangerous question, His response may be general or specific, but also short (simple) or long (complex). No matter what category it falls under, God expects you to obey immediately and without question.
Not long ago I was reading through the Gospel of Luke and read about Jesus Christ before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council of elders. At one point, They all asked [Jesus], Are you then the Son of God? He replied, You are right in saying I am (Luke 22:70).
Immediately the thought popped into my mind, Memorize this verse. Use it in evangelistic situations when people claim Jesus never claimed to be Gods Son. Id love to tell you that I used that verse the very same day, but I didnt. Instead, I memorized it and am looking for the open door to share that verse at the appropriate time.
One morning I read about Jesus talking with two men on the road to Emmaus. As the Lord explained Scripture to them, the two men noticed how their hearts burned within them.
The next morning, before I read the Bible, I prayed, Lord, make my heart burn within me as You open up the Scriptures to me.As I read Luke 24:36-53, I became excited as God showed me four principles in the section about Jesus appearing to the Apostles in the Upper Room.
- Engage in mundane tasks whenever were overwhelmed emotionally.
- Only the Holy Spirit can help us understand Scripture so dont try to do it on your own.
- Witness wherever I am, then expand out geographically through more indirect means.
- You will lead us, lift us up, and not leave us alone; we should worship, obey, connect, and praise You.
Asking God, What do You want me to do today? is a dangerous question. But its also exciting to hear the whispers of God in response to this question.
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