The You … You Are: Spiritual Gifts by Natural Abilities, Part 1
Two important elements in the you you are involve natural abilities and spiritual gifts. God gave you both, and God uses both.
Natural abilities are innate strengths God gives to everyone at birth. They are the things you do very well (see the list below). In contrast, spiritual gifts are the various manifestations or expressions of the Holy Spirit working through you to serve others (see the list below).
Sometimes the best way to identify your spiritual gifts is to look at your natural abilities. Although its not always true, God often gives you spiritual gifts that parallel your natural abilities. Looking at your natural abilities is a good place to start in identifying your spiritual gifts.
Listed below in capital letters are 4 of the eight categories of natural abilities. Underneath each category are spiritual gifts associated with that ability. First identify your top natural ability; then review the spiritual gifts related to the ability.
ANALYTICAL: Your strength is thinking.
Discernment literally means to distinguish between. Those with this gift sense if someone’s intentions are good or evil; their words are true or false; and their behavior is real or contrived.
Knowledge literally means a seeking to know. Those with this gift have a storehouse of biblical information and relevant illustrations that is shared with others at the moment it’s needed.
Wisdom literally means insight into the true nature of things. Those with this gift give sensible and insightful advice based on biblical principles.
COMMUNICATION: Your strength is words.
Interpretation literally means to translate a message unknown to the listener. Those with this gift explain to the Church a message spoken in tongues
Prophecy literally means speaking forth the mind and counsel of God. Those with this gift declare Gods rebuke, comfort or revelation to an individual or a church.
Teaching literally means to impart spiritual instruction. Those with this want people to understand and apply Gods Word
Tongues literally means to speak a language unknown to the speaker. Those with this gift use it to worship God privately, bring a message to believers, or witness publicly to unbelievers.
CREATIVE: Your strength is imagination.
Faith literally means firm persuasion in the trustworthiness of God. Those with this gift assure the Church that Gods promises will be fulfilled.
Intercession literally means a seeking, asking, or entreating to God or to man. Those with this gift bring before God various needs in peoples lives and in the Church.
Miracles literally mean to put forth power. Those with this gift validate do the impossible through Gods power to validate Gods existence as a testimony to unbelievers.
ENTREPRENEURIAL: Your strength is initiative.
Apostleship literally means to be sent forth. Those with this gift are sent by God to undertake specific and needed work to share a message or complete a task.
Evangelism literally means bringer of good tidings. Those with this gift share the Gospel with others and invite them to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Giving literally means to furnish, provide, or supply. Those with this gift are Gods channel for providing needed resources to those in need.
The next post will present the remaining 4 categories of natural abilities and the spiritual gifts correlated to them. Hopefully, you will be able to identify both your top natural ability and most likely spiritual gift.
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