Audience: Who Do You Love? (Part 6: Indicators – Groups of People)
When you identify your Audience, you can focus your resources – time, talents, and treasure – on making a difference for Kingdom purposes. If your Audience is a group of people, typically your desire is to meet a need in their lives. Additionally, your place of ministry tends to be within the local church. But if your Audience is a social issue, you want to improve some aspect of the world, and your ministry occurs in the nation community, nation, or world.
How do you know whether your Audience is a group of people or a social issue? There a 3 clear indicators for each type of Audience to help you identify the “desire of your heart.” This post will focus on the 3 indicators pointing toward a group of people. The next post will examine the 3 indicators for social issues.
Is your Audience a group of people? The diagram below captures the 3 indicators to consider:
Imagine yourself at a church function – a worship service, small group meeting, large group breakfast, etc. Is there a group of people you enjoy talking to and being around? Which group do you find yourself drawn to like a magnet? Do you feel comfortable and safe when you’re around a particular group? Notice your reactions the next time you attend a function.
As you mingle with people at church, which group do you want to help, not have to help. Is there a sense of fulfillment when you assist a group? Which group makes you think, “Someone should do something to help them?” Is there a group you tend to help regularly? Next time you’re at church, notice the reactions you have to various groups.
Consider your own life story. What have been the most painful events of your life – divorce, death of a loved one, laid off from a job, etc. Often the group you want to help is the group that’s going through the same painful experiences you went through. What situations have brought tears to your eyes, pain to your heart, or anguish to your soul? Examine your reactions next time you’re at church.
There may be a group of people that deeply touch your heart. Or a group that brings great joy to your life. Is your Audience a group of people?
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