Ready – Fire! – Aim (Part 2: The Past)
Many people live their lives using the Ready-Fire!-Aim principle. This approach is guaranteed to be unproductive and unfulfilling. Its like the servant that received one talent from his master. Rather than investing it, the servant buried it. Upon the masters return he called this man a wicked and slothful servant.” It’s sobering to realize that if you “bury your talent,” God will view you in the same way.
The beginning of a new year is a good time to evaluate your ministry to others. Ephesians 2:10 (Msg) says, [God] creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
God has work for you to do that only you can do. He created and equipped you to do this work. It is your calling the purpose you’re here on earth. Its critical to understand the special assignment God has given you. Your mission isn’t something you figure out; rather it’s revealed to you by God. Ask Him to show yours to you.
Although you cant figure out your calling, you can look at your life story to understand how God tends to work through you to serve others. Go back and review your life so far. Make a list of the ministry opportunities youve been given. Did you teach Sunday School? Were you part of the evangelism team? Did you lead a church committee? Did you help set up and take down chairs for a church meeting?
After making out your list, ask yourself these questions. Which ministry opportunities …
- were personally fulfilling? Youd be glad to them again.
- energized you? You came away feeling alive.
- had an impact on others? Either people told you so or you saw it in them.
- did God work through you? The results were beyond your own abilities.
The ministry opportunities that meet these criteria are the ones that God has placed on your heart. The ones that meet the most number of criterion are those you should try out first. Go and explore the most likely opportunities. Dont settle for the first opportunity you experience. Explore a number of ministries and ask God to clarify the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Then invest your time, talents, and treasure in serving others through this ministry.
Maybe you can only list only one or two ministry opportunities youve ever tried. In fact, some may not be able to list even one opportunity. No problem. In fact, your field of opportunities is wide open. Try a bunch of ministry opportunities until one seems to fit you. The main point is to start serving! Stop being a spectator and start being a player!
You cant know where youre going until you understand where youve been. Please take time to evaluate your past involvement in ministry before you start making plans for the future. God will lead you to your sweet spot the place of ministry He intended for you to fulfill.
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