Three Stages of Life: 35-55, Part 2

Every person goes through three stages in their lives.  The exact age in which a person moves from one stage to the next will vary with the individual, but everyone goes through these stages at some point in their lives.

Stages of Life: 35-55, Part 2
People in the contributing years from the mid-30’s to the mid-50’s need vital relationships with peer mentors.  These people are in the same phase of life and can provide the friendships needed to make life meaningful and interesting.  Since they tend to be going through the same experiences, peer mentors can provide much needed emotional and relational support.

Bob Buford examines this stage of life in his books Halftime and Game Plan.  People in midlife find that they want more out of life than success, they want significance, too.  Midlife, usually somewhere between 35 and 44, offers individuals the opportunity to reexamine the course of their lives and to make mid-course corrections.

Mid-life doesn’t necessarily mean that a person walks in to his boss, quits work, and goes off to start a brand new way of life.  It might, but not usually.  Instead, it provides people with the chance, perhaps for the first time, to identify their unique design and to build the second half of their lives on their greatest strengths, most core values, and most deeply held passions.

Dr. Steve Lake is a retired educator with over 30 years experience in the American public schools. He has served in a variety of position, including teacher, elementary school principal, junior high principal, Associate Superintendent, retired from public education as Superintendent of Schools in Lincolnwood, IL. He has his Bachelors, Masters and Doctor of Education degrees from Northern Illinois University. For the past 25 years Steve has attended and been a member of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington and Northfield, IL. At Willow Creek Steve has taught adult classes on spiritual gifts, life purpose, and spiritual disciplines. He has ministered overseas in Angola, Zambia, Honduras, Germany, and Russia. Steve is co-founder of Designed to Serve, a ministry that equips Christians to live out their unique God-given calling. Steve is married and has two adult children who are married.