Angola #8 – Only God!
There was a knock at the door. I woke up in a bedroom in Kuito, Angola. It was 11:45 p.m. on a Saturday night. Our team leader asked, Steve, did I tell you that youre preaching tomorrow?
Ah, no, I replied. I wouldve remembered that. I got out of bed, grabbed my Bible, and prayed, Lord, what should I share with these people? Nothing came. I got on my knees and prayed again. My mind was blank. I laid face down on the floor and pleaded, Lord, I dont know what to share! I had nothing, so I went back to sleep.
The next morning I still didnt have a message as I walked to church. The neighborhood was in ruins. The thought came to me, Ask the people what they saw as they walked to church this morning. That was it.
The service started and I only had the first line. Another thought came. Steve, do you remember the covenant I made with you in that McDonalds restaurant? [read Angola #1]. The agreement was I would obey God, take a step of faith, and surrender and sacrifice everything for Him. He promised to change my life, let me celebrate in community, and serve as His witness.
Today, Steve, I sensed, I keep my promise to you because you kept yours to Me. I started crying as I realized that I took a step of faith in going to Angola. Along the way I surrendered and sacrificed my marriage, career, finances, and future. God had indeed changed my life completely. This sermon would be given in community and I would be Gods witness. It was more than I could take.
The message was simple. As people walked to church did they see the Kuito that is now in ruins? Or did they see the Kuito that was once beautiful? Or maybe – just maybe – did they see the Kuito that will one day be as God works through them to rebuild? It was a message the people needed to hear, and one that God gave me the opportunity to share with them. There is one God and He does incredibly more than all we ask or imagine. Only God!