Angola #1: An Unexpected Message
My life changed forever in the last four months of 2003. I never saw it coming.
It was 6:00 a.m., September 5, 2003, as I sat drinking coffee at a McDonald’s. On the table were my Bible, journal, and a pen. I was reading Luke 5:27-32 about the call of Levi (Matthew).
Jesus saw Levi sitting at his tax booth and said, Follow Me. Immediately Levi got up, left everything, and followed Jesus. Then Levi hosted a great banquet for Jesus attended by his fellow tax collectors. When the Pharisees criticized Jesus for eating with sinners, He witnessed to the group.
Whenever I read my Bible I look for spiritual principles. I wrote in my journal that Levi:
Obeyed when Jesus called
Took a step of faith
Surrendered everything
Sacrificed everything
Had his life change
Celebrated Jesus in community
Saw the Gospel shared
I have no explanation for what happened next. My hand was moving, but it wasnt me writing; words were being written, but they werent my words. This was the message:
Steve, Im calling you to obey Me by taking a step of faith. Surrender everything to Me; sacrifice everything for Me; and I will change your life. You will celebrate Me in community, and you will be My witness.
What I didnt know then that I know now is that every word of that message would come true.